Sand samples from Angola

(Central Africa)

Republic of Angola

República de Angola

If you do have SAND from this country, please send me an E-Mail. Thanks!
Click in table e.g. on Nr. 310, Pic or for sand detail infos.
GoogleMaps available / Sand Sample available for trading *
5 Sand samples from Angola, Africa
Nr.CodeRegionPlace of discoveryWaters, mountain, desert, ...TypePic
 AO-BOBengo  ----- ----- ----- 
 AO-BGBenguela  ----- ----- ----- 
 AO-BIBié  ----- ----- ----- 
 AO-CBCabinda  ----- ----- ----- 
 AO-CUCunene  ----- ----- ----- 
 AO-HMHuambo  ----- ----- ----- 
 AO-HLHuíla  ----- ----- ----- 
7225AO-CC-CAKuando Kubango, CalaiCalai Inland 
 AO-CNKwanza-Norte ----- ----- ----- 
 AO-CSKwanza-Sul ----- ----- ----- 
737AO-LU-VILuanda , VianaBarra do Kwanza Rio KwanzaRiverSand Collection - Sand from Angola
736AO-LU-INLuanda , IngombotaLuanda South Atlantic OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Angola
 AO-LNLunda-Norte  ----- ----- ----- 
 AO-LSLunda-Sul  ----- ----- ----- 
 AO-MLMalanje  ----- ----- ----- 
 AO-MXMoxico  ----- ----- ----- 
 AO-NANamibe  ----- ----- ----- 
 AO-UIUíge  ----- ----- ----- 
7051AO-ZA-SOZaire , SoyoSoyo, near river inflow of River Congo South Atlantic OceanBeach 
6030AO-ZA-SOZaire , SoyoSoyo, Stivill Soyo Beach South Atlantic OceanBeach 
* The exact information is the "place of discovery description". The coordinates are only for information and only show the possible place of discovery of the sand.