Sand samples from Congo (DR)

(Central Africa)

Democratic Republic of the Congo

République démocratique du Congo

If you do have SAND from this country, please send me an E-Mail. Thanks!
Click in table e.g. on Nr. 1654, Pic or for sand detail infos.
GoogleMaps available / Sand Sample available for trading *
4 Sand samples from Congo (DR), Africa
Nr.CodeRegionPlace of discoveryWaters, mountain, desert, ...TypePic
 CD-BUBas-Uélé ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-ETÉquateur ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-HKHaut-Katanga ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-HLHaut-Lomami ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-HUHaut-Uélé ----- ----- ----- 
1948CD-IT-DJIturi, DjuguTchomia Lake AlbertLakeSand Collection - Sand from Congo (DR)
6878CD-KSKasaïSamangwa River LubefuRiver 
 CD-KOKasaï Oriental ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-LLKasaï-Central ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-KNKinshasa ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-BCKongo Central ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-KGKwango ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-KUKwilu ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-LMLomami ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-LBLualaba ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-MAMai-Ndombe ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-MNManiema ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-MOMongala ----- ----- ----- 
6865CD-NK-MANord-Kivu, MasisiGoma (N of), from bottom of volcano Volcan NyiragongoVolcano 
1966CD-NK-MANord-Kivu, MasisiGoma (N of), small volcano stones Volcan NyiragongoVolcanoSand Collection - Sand from Congo (DR)
 CD-NUNord-Ubangi ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-SNSankuru ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-SKSud-Kivu ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-SUSud-Ubangi ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-TGTanganyika ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-TOTshopo ----- ----- ----- 
 CD-TPTshuapa ----- ----- ----- 
* The exact information is the "place of discovery description". The coordinates are only for information and only show the possible place of discovery of the sand.