Sand samples from Cape Verde

(West Africa)

Republic of Cape Verde

República de Cabo Verde

If you do have SAND from this country, please send me an E-Mail. Thanks!
Click in table e.g. on Nr. 284, Pic or for sand detail infos.
GoogleMaps available / Sand Sample available for trading *
21 Sand samples from Cape Verde, Africa
Nr.CodeRegionPlace of discoveryWaters, mountain, desert, ...TypePic
7102CV-BVBoa Vista Island Boa Vista, Cabeçadas, Praia de Chaves (sample 1) North Atlantic OceanBeach 
7103CV-BVBoa Vista Island Boa Vista, Cabeçadas, Praia de Chaves (sample 2) North Atlantic OceanBeach 
454CV-BVBoa Vista Island Boa Vista, Praia de Santa Monica North Atlantic OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Cape Verde
226CV-BVBoa Vista Island Boa Vista, Sal Rei, Praia de Cruz North Atlantic OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Cape Verde
4362CV-BRBrava Island Brava, Furna, Furna Harbour North Atlantic OceanBeach 
 CV-MAMaio  ----- ----- ----- 
 CV-MOMosteiros  ----- ----- ----- 
1008CV-PAPaul Island Santo Antão, Paúl, River mouth of River Paúl River PaúlRiverSand Collection - Sand from Cape Verde
 CV-PNPorto Novo  ----- ----- ----- 
504CV-PCPraia Island São Tiago, Praia North Atlantic OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Cape Verde
6645CV-PCPraia Island São Tiago, Praia, Praia Quebra Canela North Atlantic OceanBeach 
2041CV-PCPraia Island São Tiago, Tarrafal, Praia do Tarrafal (sample 1) North Atlantic OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Cape Verde
 CV-RBRibeira Brava  ----- ----- ----- 
7160CV-RGRibeira Grande Island Santo Antão, Sinagoga North Atlantic OceanBeach 
 CV-RSRibeira Grande de Santiago ----- ----- ----- 
6593CV-SLSal Island Sal, Pedra Lume North Atlantic OceanBeach 
6855CV-SLSal Island Sal, Santa Maria, Hotel Melía Tortuga Beach, Praia de Tortuga North Atlantic OceanBeach 
2321CV-SLSal Island Sal, Santa Maria, Praia de Santa Maria (sample 1) North Atlantic OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Cape Verde
6795CV-SLSal Island Sal, Santa Maria, Praia de Santa Maria (sample 2) North Atlantic OceanBeach 
 CV-CTSanta Catarina  ----- ----- ----- 
 CV-CFSanta Catarina do Fogo  ----- ----- ----- 
 CV-CZSanta Cruz  ----- ----- ----- 
 CV-SDSão Domingos  ----- ----- ----- 
1658CV-FPSão Filipe Island Fogo, São Filipe North Atlantic OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Cape Verde
973CV-FPSão Filipe Island Fogo, São Jorge, Ponta da Salina North Atlantic OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Cape Verde
 CV-LOSão Lourenço dos Órgãos  ----- ----- ----- 
 CV-SMSão Miguel  ----- ----- ----- 
 CV-SSSão Salvador do Mundo  ----- ----- ----- 
4512CV-SVSão Vicente Island São Vicente, Baía das Gates, Haut de plage (sample 1) North Atlantic OceanBeach 
4554CV-SVSão Vicente Island São Vicente, Baía das Gates, Haut de plage (sample 2) North Atlantic OceanBeach 
6703CV-SVSão Vicente Island São Vicente, Mindelo, Porto Grande (near), Praia de Laginha North Atlantic OceanBeach 
4513CV-SVSão Vicente Island São Vicente, Mindelo, Praia de Laginha North Atlantic OceanBeach 
7523CV-TFTarrafal Island São Tiago, Tarrafal, Praia do Tarrafal (sample 2) North Atlantic OceanBeach 
 CV-TSTarrafal de São Nicolau  ----- ----- ----- 
* The exact information is the "place of discovery description". The coordinates are only for information and only show the possible place of discovery of the sand.