Sand samples from Gabon

(Central Africa)

Gabonese Republic

République Gabonaise

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Click in table e.g. on Nr. 989, Pic or for sand detail infos.
GoogleMaps available / Sand Sample available for trading *
4 Sand samples from Gabon, Africa
Nr.CodeRegionPlace of discoveryWaters, mountain, desert, ...TypePic
374GA-ES-LVEstuaire, LibrevilleLibreville, Bord de Mer Beach (opposite of Hotel Intercontinental Okoumé Palace) Gulf of Guinea, North Atlantic OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Gabon
 GA-HOHaut-Ogooué ----- ----- ----- 
 GA-MOMoyen-Ogooué ----- ----- ----- 
 GA-NGNgounié ----- ----- ----- 
6511GA-NY-BBNyanga, Basse-BanioMayumba South Atlantic OceanBeach 
 GA-OIOgooué-Ivindo ----- ----- ----- 
 GA-OLOgooué-Lolo ----- ----- ----- 
4738GA-OM-ETOgooué-Maritime, EtimbouéOmboué (near) Lagune Fernan VazLagoon 
3570GA-OM-BDOgooué-Maritime, BendjéPort Gentil Gulf of Guinea, South Atlantic OceanBeach 
 GA-WNWoleu-Ntem ----- ----- ----- 
* The exact information is the "place of discovery description". The coordinates are only for information and only show the possible place of discovery of the sand.