Sand samples from Guatemala

North America
(Central America)

Republic of Guatemala

República de Guatemala

If you do have SAND from this country, please send me an E-Mail. Thanks!
Click in table e.g. on Nr. 337, Pic or for sand detail infos.
GoogleMaps available / Sand Sample available for trading *
10 Sand samples from Guatemala, North America
Nr.CodeRegionPlace of discoveryWaters, mountain, desert, ...TypePic
5923GT-AV-PCAlta Verapaz, San Pedro CarcháSan Pedro Carchá, Balneario Las Islas Rio CahabónRiver 
 GT-BVBaja Verapaz ----- ----- ----- 
 GT-CMChimaltenango ----- ----- ----- 
 GT-CQChiquimula ----- ----- ----- 
 GT-PREl Progreso ----- ----- ----- 
706GT-ES-SJEscuintla, San JoséPuerto San José, Playa La Caleta de la Comardancia de la Marina de la Defensa Nacional North Pacific OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Guatemala
 GT-GUGuatemala ----- ----- ----- 
 GT-HUHuehuetenango ----- ----- ----- 
5924GT-IZ-LIIzabal, LivingstonLivingston, Bahía de Amatique (sample 1) Gulf of Honduras, Caribbean Sea, North Atlantic OceanBeach 
7459GT-IZ-LIIzabal, LivingstonLivingston, Bahía de Amatique (sample 2) Gulf of Honduras, Caribbean Sea, North Atlantic OceanBeach 
 GT-JAJalapa ----- ----- ----- 
 GT-JUJutiapa ----- ----- ----- 
223GT-PE-FLPetén, FloresDos Lagunas (near), near border to Mexico (Area-Selva Lacandona) Río TikalRiverSand Collection - Sand from Guatemala
4248GT-QZ-CTQuetzaltenango, CantelQuetzaltenango-Cantel Río SalamáRiver 
4247GT-QZ-QUQuetzaltenango, QuetzaltenangoQuetzaltenango, 2 km S of city Sandpit 
 GT-QCQuiché ----- ----- ----- 
 GT-RERetalhuleu ----- ----- ----- 
 GT-SASacatepéquez ----- ----- ----- 
 GT-SMSan Marcos ----- ----- ----- 
6897GT-SR-TASanta Rosa, TaxiscoMonterrico North Pacific OceanBeach 
1237GT-SO-PASololá, PanajachelPanajachel (sample 1) Lago de AtitlánLakeSand Collection - Sand from Guatemala
7329GT-SO-PASololá, PanajachelPanajachel (sample 2) Lago de AtitlánLake 
 GT-SUSuchitepéquez ----- ----- ----- 
 GT-TOTotonicapán ----- ----- ----- 
 GT-ZAZacapa ----- ----- ----- 
* The exact information is the "place of discovery description". The coordinates are only for information and only show the possible place of discovery of the sand.