Sand samples from Iraq

(Western Asia)

Republic of Iraq

Jumhūriyyat al-‘Irāq

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GoogleMaps available / Sand Sample available for trading *
13 Sand samples from Iraq, Asia
Nr.CodeRegionPlace of discoveryWaters, mountain, desert, ...TypePic
5067IQ-AN-RAAl-Anbar, RamadiRamadi, United States Army Camp Ramadi Inland 
6821IQ-BA-BAAl-Basrah, BasrahBasrah (Bassora) River Shatt al Arab (Arvandrud)River 
229IQ-BA-BAAl-Basrah, BasrahBasrah (Bassora) InlandSand Collection - Sand from Iraq
 IQ-MUAl-Muthanna ----- ----- ----- 
 IQ-QAAl-Qadisiyah ----- ----- ----- 
5070IQ-NA-NAAn-Najaf, NajafNajaf, United States (US) Camp FOB Endeavour Inland 
5068IQ-AR-ERArbil, ErbilErbil, camp of United Nations (UN) near airport Inland 
 IQ-SUAs-Sulaymaniyah ----- ----- ----- 
 IQ-TSAt-Ta'mim ----- ----- ----- 
 IQ-BBBabil ----- ----- ----- 
5076IQ-BG-AGBaghdad, Abu GhraibBagdad, Baghdad International Airport, United Nations (UN) Forward Support Base, near iraq airplane bunker Inland 
5072IQ-BG-BABaghdad, Baghdad CityBaghdad-Al Karkh, near United Nations (UN) Headquarter, International Zone (Green Zone) Inland 
5069IQ-DA-DADahuk, DahukDohuk, Hotel Jiyan Inland 
5071IQ-DQ-SADhi Qar, Suq Al-ShoyokhSuq Al-Shoyokh, near highway 8 Inland 
5077IQ-DI-AKDiyala, Al-KhalisKhalis (N of), Camp Ashraf, US Base Forward Operating Base Grizzly (onetime) Inland 
 IQ-KAKarbala' ----- ----- ----- 
5075IQ-MA-AAMaysan, Al-Mejar Al-KabiAmarah (15 km S of), at highway 6 (31.7136N 47.1424E) Inland 
1113IQ-NI-MONinawa, MosulMosul River TigrisRiverSand Collection - Sand from Iraq
7446IQ-NINinawaMosul (N of) River TigrisRiver 
 IQ-SDSalah ad-Din ----- ----- ----- 
 IQ-WAWasit ----- ----- ----- 
* The exact information is the "place of discovery description". The coordinates are only for information and only show the possible place of discovery of the sand.