Sand samples from Myanmar

(Southeast Asia)

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Pyidaunzu Thanmăda Myăma Nainngandaw

If you do have SAND from this country, please send me an E-Mail. Thanks!
Click in table e.g. on Nr. 910, Pic or for sand detail infos.
GoogleMaps available / Sand Sample available for trading *
10 Sand samples from Myanmar, Asia
Nr.CodeRegionPlace of discoveryWaters, mountain, desert, ...TypePic
4622MMNga Phe Kyaung (Monastery)Lake InleLake
295MMunknown locationRiver IrruvaddiRiverSand Collection - Sand from Myanmar
 MM-AYAyeyarwady ----- ----- ----- 
6764MM-BA-PYBago, PyayPyay, near Nawaday Bridge River IrrawaddyRiver 
 MM-CHChin ----- ----- ----- 
 MM-KCKachin ----- ----- ----- 
 MM-KHKayah ----- ----- ----- 
 MM-KNKayin ----- ----- ----- 
 MM-MGMagway ----- ----- ----- 
3660MM-ML-MAMandalay, MandalayAmarapura, at Bridge U Bein Lake Taung Tha ManLake 
1785MM-ML-NYMandalay, Nyaung-uBagan, near Hotel Bagan River IrrawaddyRiverSand Collection - Sand from Myanmar
 MM-MOMon ----- ----- ----- 
 MM-NYNaypyidaw ----- ----- ----- 
2738MM-RA-TDRakhine, ThandweGyeiktaw (N of), Ngapali Beach Bay of Bengal, Indian OceanBeach 
2729MM-RA-TDRakhine, ThandweLontha (near), Island White Sand Bay of Bengal, Indian OceanBeach 
1757MM-RA-TDRakhine, ThandweThandwe (Sandoway), Ngapali Village, Ngapali Beach Bay of Bengal, Indian OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Myanmar
 MM-SASagaing ----- ----- ----- 
5110MM-SH-TGShan, TaunggyiNyaungshwe, from street near Mirror Pagoda Street 
1756MM-TN-KGTanintharyi, KawthoungIsland Thahtay Kyun, from Botanical Garden InlandSand Collection - Sand from Myanmar
 MM-YAYangon ----- ----- ----- 
* The exact information is the "place of discovery description". The coordinates are only for information and only show the possible place of discovery of the sand.