Sand samples from Mozambique

(East Africa)

Republic of Mozambique

República de Moçambique

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GoogleMaps available / Sand Sample available for trading *
8 Sand samples from Mozambique, Africa
Nr.CodeRegionPlace of discoveryWaters, mountain, desert, ...TypePic
 MZ-CDCabo Delgado ----- ----- ----- 
1259MZ-GA-BMGaza, Bilene-MaciaBilene, Praia do Bilene Lagoa UembjeLagoonSand Collection - Sand from Mozambique
4619MZ-GA-MJGaza, ManjacazeChidenquele (sample 1) Mozambique Channel, Indian OceanBeach 
7507MZ-GA-MJGaza, ManjacazeChidenquele (sample 2) Mozambique Channel, Indian OceanBeach 
1049MZ-GA-XXGaza, Xai-XaiXai-Xai Mozambique Channel, Indian OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Mozambique
6881MZ-IN-VIInhambane, VilankuloIsland Magaruque (Ilha de Magaruque), from eastern coast Mozambique Channel, Indian OceanBeach 
4737MZ-IN-ICInhambane, Cidade de InhambanePraia Tofo Mozambique Channel, Indian OceanBeach 
7508MZ-IN-VIInhambane, VilankuloVilanculos Mozambique Channel, Indian OceanBeach 
 MZ-MNManica ----- ----- ----- 
7450MZ-MP-MTMaputo, MatutuínePonta do Ouro Mozambique Channel, Indian OceanBeach 
 MZ-MCMaputo [City] ----- ----- ----- 
 MZ-NMNampula ----- ----- ----- 
 MZ-NSNiassa ----- ----- ----- 
 MZ-SOSofala ----- ----- ----- 
 MZ-TETete ----- ----- ----- 
 MZ-ZAZambézia ----- ----- ----- 
* The exact information is the "place of discovery description". The coordinates are only for information and only show the possible place of discovery of the sand.