Sand samples from Palau


Republic of Palau

Beluu er a Belau

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Click in table e.g. on Nr. 836, Pic or for sand detail infos.
GoogleMaps available / Sand Sample available for trading *
3 Sand samples from Palau, Oceania
Nr.CodeRegionPlace of discoveryWaters, mountain, desert, ...TypePic
 PW-AMAimeliik ----- ----- ----- 
 PW-ARAirai ----- ----- ----- 
 PW-ANAngaur ----- ----- ----- 
 PW-HAHatohobei ----- ----- ----- 
 PW-KAKayangel ----- ----- ----- 
7321PW-KOKororIsland Meyungs, Meyungs, Palau Pacific Resort Hotel Philippine Sea, North Pacific OceanBeach 
3197PW-KOKororIslands Rock, Island Long Beach, Long Beach (can be only seen by tide !) Philippine Sea, North Pacific OceanBeach 
 PW-MEMelekeok ----- ----- ----- 
 PW-NDNgaraard ----- ----- ----- 
 PW-NCNgarchelong ----- ----- ----- 
 PW-NMNgardmau ----- ----- ----- 
 PW-NPNgatpang ----- ----- ----- 
 PW-NSNgchesar ----- ----- ----- 
 PW-NLNgeremlengui ----- ----- ----- 
 PW-NWNgiwal ----- ----- ----- 
2785PW-PEPeleliuIsland Peleliu, Kloulklubed, Storyboard Beach Resort Philippine Sea, North Pacific OceanBeach 
 PW-SOSonsorol ----- ----- ----- 
* The exact information is the "place of discovery description". The coordinates are only for information and only show the possible place of discovery of the sand.