Country: | Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) | |
Continent: | Europa (Westeuropa) | |
Region: | Sachsen (Saxony) | |
Subregion: | Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge | |
Code: | DE-SN-PIR | |
Place of discovery: | Lohmen-Niederrathen, Berghotel Bastei, National Park Sächsische Schweiz (Bastei) | |
Sand type: | Berg | |
Coordinates: | 50.963, 14.071 * | |
Height (sea level): | 286m (± 10m) | |
Collection date: | 1.2010 | |
Trading amount: | 2 x 30ml |
* The exact information is the "place of discovery description". The coordinates are only for information and only show the possible place of discovery of the sand.