Sand samples from Chad

(Central Africa)

Republic of Chad

République du Tchad / Jumhūriyyat Tshād

If you do have SAND from this country, please send me an E-Mail. Thanks!
Click in table e.g. on Nr. 1168, Pic or for sand detail infos.
GoogleMaps available / Sand Sample available for trading *
4 Sand samples from Chad, Africa
Nr.CodeRegionPlace of discoveryWaters, mountain, desert, ...TypePic
 TD-BGBarh el Ghazel ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-BABatha ----- ----- ----- 
3581TD-BR-BYBorkou, Borkou YalaFaya-Largeau Desert SaharaDesert 
 TD-CGChari-Baguirmi ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-EEEnnedi Est ----- ----- ----- 
7206TD-EO-FAEnnedi Ouest, FadaFada, Ennedi-Plateau, from dunes W of Fada Desert SaharaDesert 
 TD-GRGuéra ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-HDHadjer-Lamis ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-KMKanem ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-LCLac ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-LOLogone Occidental ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-LRLogone Oriental ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-MAMandoul ----- ----- ----- 
2763TD-ME-MBMayo-Kebbi Est, Mayo BoneyeGuélengdeng, from river banks River Chari (Schari)River 
2764TD-ME-MLMayo-Kebbi Est, Mayo LémiéGuélengdeng, from town centre Street 
 TD-MWMayo-Kebbi Ouest ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-MOMoyen-Chari ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-OAOuaddaï ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-SASalamat ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-SISila ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-TATandjilé ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-TITibesti ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-NJVille de N'Djamena ----- ----- ----- 
 TD-BIWadi Fira ----- ----- ----- 
* The exact information is the "place of discovery description". The coordinates are only for information and only show the possible place of discovery of the sand.