Sandproben aus Ägypten


Arabische Republik Ägypten

Ǧumhūriyyat Miṣr al-ʿArabiyyah

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128 Sandproben aus Ägypten, Afrika
Nr.CodeRegionFundstelleGewässer, Berg, Wüste, ...TypBild
 EG-DQAd Daqahlīyah ----- ----- ----- 
2574EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarBur Safajah (Bur Safaga), Fout Bay Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
6721EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarBur Safajah (Bur Safaga), Hotel Robinson Club Soma Bay, Soma Bay Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
4682EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarBur Safajah (Bur Safaga), Hotel Sheraton Soma Bay Resort, Soma Bay (sample 1) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
6635EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarBur Safajah (Bur Safaga), Hotel Sheraton Soma Bay Resort, Soma Bay (sample 2) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
6528EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarBur Safajah (Bur Safaga), unknown beach (sample 1) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
6514EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarBur Safajah (Bur Safaga), unknown beach (sample 2) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
2553EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarEl Gouna Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
6701EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarEl Qoseir, Hotel Radisson Blu Resort El Quseir Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
6873EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHala'ib Triangle, Island Siyal El Kabir Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
326EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah) (-15 m) Red Sea, Indian OceanMeeresgrundSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
646EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah)-Sakalla WüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
596EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), around 10 km into desert WüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
119EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), around 15 km into desert WüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
1888EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), from desert storm in 2006 SandsturmSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
4433EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), Hotel Golden 5 City Resort Paradise, main beach, waterfront Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
4457EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), Hotel Golden 5 City Resort Paradise, southern beach Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
3159EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), Hotel Sunrise Select Garden Beach Resort & Spa Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
6967EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), Hurghada Coral Beach Hotel (former Hotel Rotana Beach) (sample 1) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
7050EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), Hurghada Coral Beach Hotel (former Hotel Rotana Beach) (sample 2) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
48EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), Hurghada Coral Beach Hotel (former Hotel Rotana Beach), 1 km into desert WüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
7008EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), Sultana Beach Resort Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
7306EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), Sunrise Holidays Resort Binnenland 
938EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), The Grand Hotel Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
2568EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarHourghada (Al Ghardaqah), unknown beach Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
705EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarIsland Giftun Kebir Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
7532EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarIsland Giftun Kebir, from the lagoon Red Sea, Indian OceanLagune 
7529EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarIsland Magawish Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
7528EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarIsland Magawish, from floodline Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
6765EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarIsland Mahmya Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
6606EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarIsland Tobia Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
550EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarLuxor / Abu Simbel (between) Desert LybianWüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
2985EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMakadi Bay (-5 m) Red Sea, Indian OceanMeeresgrund 
1820EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMakadi Bay (sample 1) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
7298EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMakadi Bay (sample 4) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
5902EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMakadi Bay, Abu Hashish Reef (-20 m) Red Sea, Indian OceanMeeresgrund 
4455EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMakadi Bay, Hotel Iberotel Makadi Beach (sample 3) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
3158EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMakadi Bay, Sunrise Royal Makadi Resort (sample 2) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
7342EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMarsa Abu Dabbab (E of), Abu Dabbab Reef (-? m) (sample 2) Red Sea, Indian OceanMeeresgrund 
2EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMarsa Abu Dabbab (E of), Abu Dabbab Reef (-18 m) (sample 1) Red Sea, Indian OceanMeeresgrundSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
3EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMarsa Abu Dabbab (E of), Abu Dabbab Reef, from inside cave (-10 m) Red Sea, Indian OceanMeeresgrundSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
4451EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMarsa Abu Dabbab, behind reef, floodline (-1 m) Red Sea, Indian OceanMeeresgrund 
12EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMarsa Alam (near), El Naaba Diving Camp Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
4430EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMarsa Alam (near), Kahramana Beach Resort, Blondie Beach (south) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
4423EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMarsa Alam (near), Kahramana Beach Resort, from dune at Blondie Beach (north) Düne 
25EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMarsa Alam (near), Marsa Shagra, around 2 km W into desert WüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
5903EG-BAAl Bahr al AhmarMarsa Alam (near), Shaab Marsa Alam Reef (Dolphin House) Red Sea, Indian OceanMeeresgrund 
 EG-BHAl Buhayrah ----- ----- ----- 
5458EG-FYAl FayyūmAl Fayyum (near) Lake Al FayyumSee 
6809EG-FYAl FayyūmAl Fayyum, pyramid Hawara Wüste 
428EG-FYAl Fayyūmunknown location Lake Qarun (Gebel Qatrani)SeeSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
6808EG-FYAl FayyūmWādī er-Raiyān (Wadi El Rayan), from waterfall between Al Fayyum Lakes unknown riverWasserfall 
 EG-GHAl Gharbīyah ----- ----- ----- 
6705EG-IKAl IskandarīyahAlexandria-Sidi Bishr, Hotel Hilton Alexandria Corniche Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic OceanStrand 
5820EG-ISAl Ismā`īlīyahIsmailia-Abou Sultan Great Bitter Lake, Suez CanalFluss 
359EG-JZAl JīzahCairo, Gizeh-Pyramids (near), Alexandria Desert Road (at Km 15) WüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
7438EG-JZAl JīzahCairo, Great Sphinx of Gizeh Wüste 
5708EG-JZAl JīzahCairo, pyramid Gizeh (sample 1) Wüste 
5736EG-JZAl JīzahCairo, pyramid Gizeh (sample 2) Wüste 
6797EG-JZAl JīzahCairo, pyramid of Khafre Wüste 
6580EG-JZAl JīzahCairo, Pyramid of Menkaure Wüste 
607EG-JZAl JīzahSaqqarah, Saqqarah Pyramids (sample 1) WüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
5585EG-JZAl JīzahSaqqarah, Saqqarah Pyramids (sample 2) Wüste 
643EG-JZAl JīzahSaqqarah, Saqqarah Pyramids, near step pyramid of Pharao Djoser WüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
6579EG-JZAl JīzahSaqqarah, Saqqarah Pyramids, pyramid of pharao Djoser, from northern temple of pharaos Wüste 
 EG-MFAl Minūfīyah ----- ----- ----- 
 EG-MNAl Minyā ----- ----- ----- 
 EG-QHAl Qāhirah ----- ----- ----- 
 EG-QLAl Qalyūbīyah ----- ----- ----- 
 EG-UQAl Uqsur ----- ----- ----- 
5886EG-WJAl Wādī al JadīdBahariya Oasis (SW of) Black DesertWüste 
3877EG-WJAl Wādī al JadīdClayton Craters, from inside of crater Desert LybianWüste 
3382EG-WJAl Wādī al JadīdGilf al-Kebir Plateau Desert LybianWüste 
2344EG-WJAl Wādī al JadīdQasr al Farafirah (Oasis Farafra) DesertWüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
4336EG-WJAl Wādī al JadīdQasr al Farafirah (Oasis Farafra) (NE of) White DesertWüste 
3277EG-SWAs SuwaysAen Sokhna, Stella Di Mare Grand Resort Gulf of Suez, Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
 EG-SQAsh Sharqīyah ----- ----- ----- 
1749EG-ANAswānAbu Simbel (outside of city) Desert LybianWüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
322EG-ANAswānAbu Simbel, Temple Ramses (sample 1) BinnenlandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
5582EG-ANAswānAbu Simbel, Temple Ramses (sample 2) Binnenland 
7475EG-ANAswānAssuan (Aswân), near Nasser Damm (Aswan Damm) Binnenland 
2975EG-ANAswānAssuan (Aswân), near Nasser Damm (Aswan Damm) River NileFluss 
6840EG-ANAswānAssuan (Aswân), near Nasser Damm (Aswan Damm) Lake NasserSee 
210EG-ANAswānAssuan (Aswân), somewhere from desert WüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
2168EG-ANAswānEdfou (Idfu), Temple Horus (sample 1) BinnenlandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
7353EG-ANAswānEdfou (Idfu), Temple Horus (sample 2) Binnenland 
7472EG-ANAswānIsland El Nabatat (Kitchener's Island), near boat pier River NileFluss 
2160EG-ANAswānIsland Elephantine, Nubian Village BinnenlandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
7441EG-ANAswānIsland of Philae, Temple of Isis (sample 1) Binnenland 
2154EG-ANAswānIsland of Philae, Temple of Isis (sample 2) BinnenlandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
6659EG-ANAswānKom Ombo, Temple of Kom Ombo Wüste 
3875EG-ANAswānKom Ombo, Temple of Kom Ombo River NileFluss 
 EG-ATAsyūt ----- ----- ----- 
6810EG-BNBanī SuwayfMaydum, pyramid Meidum Wüste 
 EG-BSBūr Sa`īd ----- ----- ----- 
 EG-DTDumyāt ----- ----- ----- 
7585EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Dahab (N of), diving site The Canyon Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Indian OceanMeeresgrund 
3278EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Dahab, near the bridge at the boulevard Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
6986EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'from summit of mountain Mt. Sinai (Mt. Gabal Musa)Berg 
699EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'from top of mountain Mt. Jabal ŞabbāghBergSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
645EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Island Pharaoh's Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
7587EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Island Tiran (near), Jackson Reef (-16 m) Red Sea, Indian OceanMeeresgrund 
644EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Nuweiba Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
6843EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Nuweiba (near), Basata Village, Basata Beach Strand 
642EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Nuweiba (near), Colored Canyon (sample 1) BergSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
7303EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Nuweiba (near), Colored Canyon (sample 2) Berg 
2199EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Nuweiba-Muzeina Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
2092EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Ras Mohammed National Park Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
7586EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Ras Mohammed National Park, Jolanda Reef (-20 m) Red Sea, Indian OceanMeeresgrund 
6110EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Saint Catherine's Monastery (1589 m) Mt. Sinai (Mt. Gabal Musa)Berg 
6620EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Saint Catherine's Monastery (near) Mt. Sinai (Mt. Gabal Musa)Berg 
7584EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Sharira Pass at road Sharm El Sheikh-Dahab InlandBinnenland 
3463EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Sharm el-Sheikh, Domina Hotel & Resort Harem Sharm El Sheikh, Domina Coral Bay Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
2899EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Sharm el-Sheikh, Hotel Sea Club Resort, Nabq Bay Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
3464EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Sharm el-Sheikh, LTI Grand Azure Resort Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
584EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Sharm el-Sheikh, Naama, Naama Bay (sample 1) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
6798EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Sharm el-Sheikh, Naama, Naama Bay (sample 2) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
2900EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Sharm el-Sheikh, near Fanara Lighthouse Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
4155EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Sharm el-Sheikh, Ras Nasrani, Baron Palms Resort Sharm El Sheikh Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
6615EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Sharm el-Sheikh, Ras Um Sid (-1 m) Red Sea, Indian OceanMeeresgrund 
1335EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Sharm el-Sheikh, Sharks Bay Umbi Diving Village, Shark Bay (sample 1) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
7310EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Sharm el-Sheikh, Sharks Bay Umbi Diving Village, Shark Bay (sample 2) Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
5865EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Sharm el-Sheikh, unknown beach Red Sea, Indian OceanStrand 
6985EG-JSJanūb Sīnā'Wādī Mandar Wüste 
 EG-KSKafr ash Shaykh ----- ----- ----- 
610EG-MTMatrūhEl-Alamein Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic OceanStrandSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
3383EG-MTMatrūhMarsa Matruh, Cleopatra Beach (sample 1) Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic OceanStrand 
5884EG-MTMatrūhMarsa Matruh, Cleopatra Beach (sample 2) Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic OceanStrand 
5883EG-MTMatrūhOasis Siwa Desert WhiteWüste 
3876EG-QNQināDendera (Denderah), Temple of The Goddess Hathor (Dendera) Binnenland 
2164EG-QNQināLuxor, Queen's Valley WüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
2972EG-QNQināLuxor, Temple Amun (Karnak) (sample 1) Binnenland 
5656EG-QNQināLuxor, Temple Amun (Karnak) (sample 2) Binnenland 
5602EG-QNQināLuxor, Temple Hapshetsut Binnenland 
2685EG-QNQināLuxor, Temple Luxor (sample 1) Binnenland 
5699EG-QNQināLuxor, Temple Luxor (sample 2) Binnenland 
4112EG-QNQināLuxor, The Colossi of Memnon (two massive stone statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III) Binnenland 
2182EG-QNQināLuxor, Thebes, Valley of the Kings (sample 2) WüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
5583EG-QNQināLuxor, Thebes, Valley of the Kings (sample 3) Wüste 
595EG-QNQināLuxor, Thebes, Valley of the Kings, Tomb of Ramses III (sample 1) WüsteSandsammlung - Sand aus Egypt
6787EG-QNQināSheikh Abd el-Qurna, Tomb of Menna (TT69) Wüste 
 EG-SSShamal Sīnā' ----- ----- ----- 
 EG-SJSūhāj ----- ----- ----- 
* Die genauste Informationen ist die "Fundstellen-Beschreibung". Die Koordinaten dienen nur zur Information und geben nur die mögliche Fundstelle des Sandes dar.