Sand samples from Finland

(Northern Europe)

Republic of Finland

Suomen tasavalta

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GoogleMaps available / Sand Sample available for trading *
26 Sand samples from Finland, Europe
Nr.CodeRegionPlace of discoveryWaters, mountain, desert, ...TypePic
1933FI-CF-JYCentral Finland, JyväskyläJyväskylä Lake PäijänneLakeSand Collection - Sand from Finland
 FI-COCentral Ostrobothnia ----- ----- ----- 
7592FI-KA-KJKainuu, KajaaniKajaani-Jokisuu Lake OulujärviLake 
 FI-KHKanta-Häme ----- ----- ----- 
 FI-KYKymenlaakso ----- ----- ----- 
6654FI-LA-TLLapland, Tunturi LaplandÄkäslompolo Lake ÄkäslompoloLake 
6978FI-LA-PLLapland, Northern LaplandInari-Oravala Lake InarijärviLake 
7398FI-LA-PLLapland, Northern LaplandInari, Uruniemi Camping Ky (garnet sand) Lake InarijärviLake 
7397FI-LA-PLLapland, Northern LaplandInari, Uruniemi Camping Ky (quartz sand) Lake InarijärviLake 
6532FI-LA-PLLapland, Northern LaplandKarigasniemi River InarijokiRiver 
1253FI-LA-PLLapland, Northern LaplandKiellatupa-Kaamanen River Kaamasjoki-KiellajokiRiverSand Collection - Sand from Finland
971FI-LA-TLLapland, Tunturi LaplandMuonio, Harriniva Holiday Center River MuonionjokiRiverSand Collection - Sand from Finland
5858FI-LA-RVLapland, RovaniemiRovaniemi River KemijokiRiver 
5527FI-LA-TLLapland, Tunturi LaplandTankavaara, sandpit with gold Sandpit 
 FI-NKNorth Karelia ----- ----- ----- 
2752FI-NO-YLNorth Ostrobothnia, YlivieskaKalajoki, Hiekkasärkät Beach (sample 1) Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, North Atlantic OceanBeach 
5394FI-NO-YLNorth Ostrobothnia, YlivieskaKalajoki, Hiekkasärkät Beach (sample 2) Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, North Atlantic OceanBeach 
6844FI-NO-KMNorth Ostrobothnia, KoillismaaKuusamo, Oulanka National Park, Kiutaköngäs rapids River OulankajokiRiver 
1223FI-NO-OUNorth Ostrobothnia, OuluOulu (sample 1) Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, North Atlantic OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Finland
5500FI-NO-OUNorth Ostrobothnia, OuluOulu (sample 2) Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, North Atlantic OceanBeach 
6265FI-NO-RHNorth Ostrobothnia, RaaheRaahe Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, North Atlantic OceanBeach 
1905FI-NO-KMNorth Ostrobothnia, KoillismaaTaivalkoski-Kurtti Lake LohilampiLakeSand Collection - Sand from Finland
 FI-NSNorth Savo ----- ----- ----- 
 FI-OSOstrobothnia ----- ----- ----- 
 FI-PHPäijät-Häme ----- ----- ----- 
7045FI-SA-PRSatakunta, PoriPori-Yyteri, Santala Beach Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, North Atlantic OceanBeach 
 FI-SKSouth Karelia ----- ----- ----- 
 FI-SOSouth Ostrobothnia ----- ----- ----- 
1910FI-SS-PISouth Savo, PieksämäkiPieksänmaa-Jäppilä (NE of) (sample 1) Lake SorsavesiLakeSand Collection - Sand from Finland
6566FI-SS-PISouth Savo, PieksämäkiPieksänmaa-Jäppilä (NE of) (sample 2) Lake SorsavesiLake 
1464FI-SS-SASouth Savo, SavonlinnaPunkaharju, Island Laukansaari Lake PihlajavesiLakeSand Collection - Sand from Finland
 FI-SFSouthwest Finland ----- ----- ----- 
1135FI-TR-YPTampere Region, Upper PirkanmaaRuovesi Lake RuovesiLakeSand Collection - Sand from Finland
5608FI-TR-TATampere Region, TampereTampere Lake PyhäjärviLake 
217FI-US-HLUusimaa, HelsinkiHelsinki-Granö, Island Kuusisaari Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea, North Atlantic OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Finland
21FI-US-HLUusimaa, HelsinkiHelsinki, Hietaniemi Beach Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea, North Atlantic OceanBeachSand Collection - Sand from Finland
* The exact information is the "place of discovery description". The coordinates are only for information and only show the possible place of discovery of the sand.